diseo libro 2""The César Egido Serrano Foundation was created to propose that the word be the tool of coexistence between cultures and religions and against all violence." 

Mission and goals

The César Egido Serrano Foundation aims to the international diffusion of an idea: "The Word as a link of humanity, and against all forms of violence". This is an effort that has to be made in all areas of public opinion, and at all levels to ensure that words and dialogue become the only weapon for the resolution of conflicts and differences amongst people, the promotion of dialogue and culture between people, the opinions or political, religious beliefs...

For the achievement of its goals the César Egido Serrano Foundation, carry out different activities financed by their own means, and does not request nor receive subsidies or aid from any public or private institution.

It is the wish of the César Egido Serrano Foundation, and therefore it conforms one of their main priorities, to proclaim the 23rd of November as the international day of words, to the UN, for which the Foundation has already strong institutional support, like many ambassadors of countries that are supporting the proposal, and who share with the Foundation this same interest.